Merlin Sick and Magic Funny Fanfic

06 September 2021 @ 11:21 am

Looking for fanfics that seem similar to the plot of this video

I've already read 'The Many Duties of a Manservant". Am fine with modern or canon era. The only requirement is merthur pairing and funny shenanigans on Arthur's side.

I'm looking for a specific Merlin fic where Merlin turns into a cat.

Merlin turns into a cat (i dont remember if it was on accident or on purpose, but I think it was on purpose in order to catch a break from all the chores) and in his cat form likes to hide out in Arthur's chambers and wander the castle. Arthur befriends the cat, Morgana and Gwen at some point takes him into her room and feeds/names him. Then while napping on Arthur's bed Arthur eventually reveals he knows that it's Merlin and has known for some time.

12 August 2020 @ 10:51 pm

I'm looking for a story I read on Ao3. It was a modern au, of Merlin helping Uther understand Arthur after he came out as gay. I only remember that Uther introduced Merlin and Arthur and Merlin says that Uther only ever tried to change himself and how lucky Arthur was.

I'm afraid that it might have been deleted. :/

Thank you for the help everyone

The knights are spending a night in the tavern when they see Merlin enter a woman with a baby's house. The woman and Merlin talk which leads to the knights' thinking that the kid is merlin's son and the woman is his wife.

The knights then go to Arthur and ask him about it. Arthur and the knights start spying on Merlin.

It's is crack fic and was on fanfiction. If you can find it I would very much apreciate it. Thanks

10 November 2019 @ 02:49 pm

looking for a specific fic. i'm fairly sure i read this on ao3, since i mostly read fic there. the story is short and goes something like: Morgana has a vision in which Arthur is killed by a bear whilst hunting, or some such. and so she and Gwen (and Merlin?) cleverly prevent him from going. there may or may not have been a flower involved, idk, i just recall the whole thing being hilarious.

does this sound familiar to anyone?

found it: the one where Gwen and Morgana (and Merlin) save Arthur from being eaten by bears

the remix is really good too; link's on the fic page if anyone is interested.

26 September 2019 @ 11:10 pm

I'd like a fic in which merlin (and/or merlin characters) discovers the fandom in any way.

Maybe they read fanfiction or travel to our world or a fan meets them in camelot.

It doesn't need to be long.
It can be crack!

As long as there are no mary-sue's involved, and if there need to be, can they have little power over the story-line?

By that I mean.. they could reveal information to the in-show characters, but they don't really make any decisions themselves?

I hope this is not too specific?
I'd be happy with anything you can find! Thanks!

01 August 2019 @ 10:03 pm

I read this fic that had a Care Bear but instead of being for something innocent and the like it's like a Sex Care Bear and, if I remember correctly, it had a dick on it's belly and makes Merlin and Arthur have sex in the woods (I think). That's about it of what I remember, I read a long time ago but I think it was taken down since I can no longer find it, so if anyone has a copy could they send it my way? Mi email  is . Thanks in advance!

22 November 2018 @ 03:53 pm

Hey guys I need help finding a fic I read a while ago. Pretty sure it was on but I don't remember the author.

The gist of it is this:
Arthur, Merlin, the round table knights, and Mordred are all being held captive by some magical being or something who demands that they complete a challenge before it will let them go. The challenge is something like two truths and a lie in that the knights have to guess whether Merlin, because of course the being knows who Merlin is and wants to make things difficult for him, is telling a truth or a lie. For Merlin's part, he doesn't know what facts about his life he is going to be forced to tell them but he has to convince the knights that some are true when they are actually not and vice versa. For every time he can manipulate their guesses they get a point towards winning the game and their freedom. Pretty much, Merlin's ability the weave words is tested and Mordred seems to be the only one who can tell which are lies but even he is still surprised at some of the things Merlin reveals. The knights get to thinking that maybe they don't know Merlin as well as they thought. In the end they get away but there is not a magic reveal that I remember, just aroused suspicions.

If anyone can help me find this fic I would be ever so grateful!

10 November 2018 @ 06:42 pm

I'm looking for a fic I read once on Ao3 and fool me forgot to bookmark it.
The plot takes places after Arthur is crowned king (I think). Uther is definitely gone, Morgana is not evil (I think) and Merlin is court sorcerer. When Merlin finds out that Arthur and Gwen split up (I think because of Gwen/Morgana). Anyway, after learning that Arthur is single, Merlin starts courting him by giving him gifts, like sweet meats and a pegasus (I think Morgana keeps trying to steal it for a flight, but Arthur won't let her, it was very sibling-y :-D  )
Anyway, Arthur doesn't realise at first he's being courted, but when he does, he essentially goes 'are you doing this out of pity I don't need your pity' at Merlin. Merlin, feeling rightly hurt, says okay, he'll stop, and leaves for a bit. During his absence, Arthur keeps brooding and carefully saving his sweet meats so they'll last longer. He's pretty miserable as well, and eventually sends Merlin a note via the pegasus (think carrier pigeon), asking Merlin to come back, perhaps Arthur had overreacted.
OH, and Merlin kept leaving magical kinda sentient plants and flowers for Arthur, and Arthur kept wondering if there was a plant heaven for the plants that eventually die and are replaced by new ones.
The fic ends with Merlin coming back and I'm fairly sure a kiss.
The whole fic is just a brilliant mess of fluff, humor and awkwardness. Please, I do hope someone knows which fic it is.

10 September 2017 @ 03:38 am

I'm looking for a specific fic I ran across on AO3 a few months ago.

Merlin's magic has caused him to grow breasts throughout the years that he's always kept bound, but he's still a guy. And one day Arthur walks in and sees him from behind and thinks he's a woman, and it's this whole misunderstanding where he keeps offering to marry Merlin for the shame of seeing him topless. It was short and kinda cracky, but funny and I can't remember the title for the life of me.

14 October 2016 @ 10:34 pm

Merlin fandom, I am looking for a fic. It was a slightly cracky one shot that sarcastically outlined how every magic reveal fic always goes. I have no idea how to explain it better way. I hope if you read it, you know what I mean, and can help me find it. Thanks in advance!

I could have sworn these were both on ao3, but I can't seem to find them. . .

1. A princess? from another kingdom visits, but the issue is with her lover, a romanized Zach Effron. A humor Merlin/Arthur with Arthur finds out/already knows about Merlin's magic and Zach is really heavily hitting on Merlin before using his magic cologne to try and force Merlin??/

2. Merlin, Arthur and the knights go out to search for Aithusa's egg. Merlin and Arthur hooking up and Marlin revealed as a Dragonlord and so on?

Hello! I can't remember when I first saw this post, and whether it was on LJ or tumblr, but I can't find any trace of it now.
It was a funny episode summary, made up of about 50 captioned images, like this one:

Every now and then I try and find it, but all I have is this one image that I printed out and stuck on my wall because it made me laugh so much.

If anyone else has come across this post, I'd love to find it again xx

02 October 2015 @ 04:05 pm

Hi :)

I don't know if I can do this or if anyone would be able to help me but...

There was this song spoof video on youtube and it got blocked due to copyright :(
And I wanted to watch it again but I obviously can't now.

Merlin song spoof (crack) by AlyA

The links are seperate - one for the video and the other for the channel of the user.

If anyone has any idea how I could rewatch it please help me!

I tried contacting this user but AlyA hasn't responded yet. And I reallllly wanna rewatch it :)

Thanks for any help :)

28 August 2015 @ 01:04 am

Hi, I'm looking for a fic I read where Merlin accidentally makes everyone fall into lust with him. Like Uther, Gaius, Morgana, and Gwen, Arthur's knights, etc. And I remember it really annoying Arthur, thinking of Uther and Gaius as dirty old men, even causing him to pick Merlin up and carry him away in front of his knights and father when Uther was about to request for Merlin, putting him on a horse and riding off, shocking everyone.

[NOT adelagia's fic]
(note: don't know why the tag theme: merlin's father won't erase, but it has nothing to do with this fic)

specific details: I remember Arthur being annoyed by Gwen's giggles around Merlin, and Morgana and Uther constantly demanding Merlin's attention at the dining table, as well as Arthur waking up to Merlin in his bed b/c Gaius tried to hit on Merlin, and Arthur doing everything to make sure Uther could not take advantage of Merlin, trying to get him away from him as fast as possible b/c he was the king and could do anything he wanted. Also at the start when Arthur was surprised that his father even knew Merlin's name. I may have found this fic on kinkme, but i can't remember.

Hey all, I'm looking for fics where Arthur, or the Knights, know about Merlin's magic and go to some effort not to 'find out' about it, even if it means they end up looking stupid over it. Gen, het, slash all fine, but no PWP please. I prefer canon over modern but it's not a deal breaker.

Hope I'm tagging this right...

Hi, not sure if I can ask for help about actual Merlin episodes, but it is Merlin-related so I think is ok.

Uh if anyone can help me find which episode this scene is from:

I remember that Arthur catches Merlin coming out of Morgana's room and tells him that this has to stop. Something along the lines that Merlin like Morgana if I remember correctly.

I would greatly appreciate any help :)

Thanks guys :)

Unintentional allitteration in the title aside, I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately, and would love to read something light-hearted and funny.

What are your favorite funny/fluffy/crackish fics? Those that make you smile dumbly at your screen, laugh out loud, the ones you go back and read over and over again?

All recs much appreciated! :)

05 February 2015 @ 12:54 pm


I am looking for Merthur fics with jealous Arthur. I was actually wanting to find something kinda like - Gwaine and Merlin are friends but shows a bit too much skinship and it makes Arthur jealous and possessive. And no au's hopefully. You know, as in the era as in the tv series (prince and servant). But if there are with au's as well I'll be glad to read them anyway :) Some crack is welcome :D

Also self recomendations are welcome too :)

Hope someone can help me and thanks :))

12 November 2014 @ 06:46 am

I just reread For Your Information by reni_days and I was wondering can anyone rec me other feel good stories? I'm looking for something funny and sweet that you just can't help but SMILE (and/or laugh) when you read it?

Merlin/Arthur please :)

Thanks for any help!


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